Selecting the right Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurance plan isn’t an easy feat, which is why EAP In-Person Assisters Annette Gutierrez and Leobardo Gonzalez and their team leader, Rebecca Rubio, recently volunteered to help members of the public at the Library in Texas.

All told, Gutierrez, Gonzalez, and Rubio assisted persons at the library, answering their questions about the ACA, informing them about the different insurance options, and guiding them through the open enrollment process.

One of the persons who they helped was so grateful for their assistance that he wrote Cognosante a letter to praise the three as “angels.” Not only did these EAP staff members provide this individual with a list of in-state doctors, but they also found an insurance plan that included his personal out-of-state doctor.

“I was overjoyed, and for the first time in a long time saw some light at the end of the tunnel,” this individual told us. “I have never met such helpful, decent, compassionate, empathetic, caring, intelligent, and capable people.”

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