Applying Technology with the
Customer in Mind

Each government organization is unique, and no one solution fits all. That’s why we design and deliver the best solution for each customer’s needs.

In order to solve a problem with technology, the right tool is the one that best solves the problem.

As a technology-agnostic solutions provider and integrator, we’re not dedicated to any one technology, tool, or platform. Instead, we bring expertise and partnerships to solve complex problems through innovation.

That way, we ensure our customers are delivered the solution that makes the most sense for their challenges, opportunities, and mission.

Our Key Partnerships

Proud member of the AWS Partner Network. We use Amazon Web Services to deliver enterprise systems for internal capabilities, development flexibility, and for key customers. Leveraging AWS, we deliver robust solutions with extreme flexibility, and we are continually growing our certified staff in support of this key partnership. Learn more about our membership. 


Proud partner with InterSystems. Through our partnership, we deliver next-generation Health Information Exchange (HIE) solutions that increase the measurable value of health interoperability, target specific use cases such as Medicaid delivery, strengthen the individual consumer’s participation in the HIE, improve decision support, and more. As healthcare transitions from Fee-for-Service to Managed Care, Cognosante leverages extensible, highly performant, and Best in KLAS HIE software to deliver targeted solutions that empower healthcare delivery, such as in the support of statewide Medicaid requirements.

Cognosante is a premier ServiceNow partner helping our Federal and state customers solve critical challenges for the nation. Our certified experts leverage the ServiceNow ecosystem to deliver strategy-and process-driven solutions aligned with best practices that maximize your return on investment.

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