Cybersecurity and Privacy

Our digital world connects people and communities within homes, through cities, and across oceans. That scale of connectivity creates opportunity, but also opens the door to personal, professional, and societal security risks.

Move the mission forward with peace of mind.

Security and privacy are the foundation of all our solutions, enabling public agencies to deliver programs and services based on security rigor. Our solutions meet or exceed Federal and state security requirements across domains and operating environments, enable efficiencies, safeguard systems, and mitigate risks and threats.

We deliver internal and external cybersecurity services in alignment with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, leveraging a centralized, shared services approach to ensure all internal and external systems remain secure. We provide continuous monitoring and response for third-party product vendors, cloud service providers, and hardware manufacturers, so agencies can focus on the mission.

Our Services

Identification, protection, detection, response, and recovery for all data, systems, and infrastructure are the foundations of the security solutions we deliver.

Our customers receive formalized, comprehensive support for the Federal Authority to Operate (ATO) process, FedRAMP, and HITRUST, all delivered at the high and moderate levels.

Our Authorization and Assessment support includes but is not limited to full lifecycle ATO commitments, engagement with third-party assessment organizations (3PAOs), the FedRAMP Project Management Office (PMO), and full lifecycle NIST and FISMA compliant security controls management.

Customers can expect a solution focused on user, system, and data privacy in support of cybersecurity controls, user transparency, regulatory compliance, and threat abatement. Our multi-pronged user privacy approach is infused throughout all lifecycle phases of solution delivery and includes:

  • Data Minimization — Collect only required data minimize risk.
  • Encryption — Protect data in transit and at rest using modern algorithms.
  • Access Control — Ensure only authorized personnel access user data, with robust authentication and authorization solutions including Zero Trust Architecture.
  • Regular and Third-Party Audits — Continuously validate and periodically engage third party assessment to ensure compliance with user privacy policies.
  • Anonymization — Leverage innovative methods to anonymize sensitive data where possible.

Applying ERM frameworks ensures proactive prevention of cybersecurity risks.

We deliver comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as an integrated and structured approach to identify, assess, respond to, and monitor risks that could adversely affect our customers and their constituents.

By leveraging ERM, we ensure delivery of robust, production-ready systems that continually reduce the risk profile and do not adversely contribute to it.

  • Reduce the Profile for Attacks by Bad Actors — We develop monitoring mechanisms, implement robust tools to aid in ERM, track all findings, and ensure transparent handling of all risks and issues managed within the ERM framework.
  • Know the ERM is Based on a Strategic Approach — Our ERM is delivered as a critical sub-component of Cognosante’s COMPASS™ PMO framework.
Execute with modern standards for authentication and authorization systems are implemented.
  • Authenticate User Identity with Rigor and Confidence — We ensure individual user identity, curate identity management data, implement innovative solutions for user provisioning, access auditing, and provide other necessary user and system management controls.
  • Build in Zero Trust from the Start — We deliver identity and access management as a critical starting point for overall Zero Trust Architecture across systems administration and users, mobile users, web users, and persons accessing or interacting with our solutions.

Our Work in Action

Digital illustration of secure cloud computing

Our Approach:
Securing the Mission with a Foundation of Cybersecurity

panoramic window in the office, abstract business interior background

Case Story:
Building an Unclassified Cloud-based IT Infrastructure to Support a Critical Mission

How can we help?

There’s always a solution. We have the innovative solution. We look forward to connecting with you!

Cognosante wants to work with you

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