Healthcare system interoperability, integrated solutions, and an understanding of healthcare data (both clinical and claims/financial) are integral to the success of our eSante® Platform strategy. We understand the exchange and rapid evolution of modern health data. Additionally, the volumes of point-of-care data are growing exponentially and are increasingly necessary to support the meaningful transition towards managed care. We believe that clinical data understanding, meaningful exchange, outcome-based utilization, and overarching protection are at the center of the healthcare modernization phase into which we are accelerating.
Cognosante delivers a family of “HIE Accelerators” that improve the efficacy of Health Information Exchange, adding immediate value to its use. By bringing additional functionality to “out-of-the-box” HIE solutions, we can measurably improve adoption, utilization, efficacy, and outcomes based on a proper HIE strategy. There are numerous focus areas of our eSante® HIE Accelerators, such as provider adoption, patient centricity, and Medicaid delivery.
Medicaid is a leading source of funding for state HIE projects, so it’s imperative that Medicaid agencies effectively use data to monitor high-cost conditions and evaluate the effectiveness of program interventions. Our experience demonstrates that complete medical information provides clinical value to providers—as well as programmatic and operational value to payers—including state Medicaid agencies that are seeking to engage in delivery system reform and improve overall value and quality.
Cognosante’s HIE Accelerator-Medicaid helps agencies achieve clear and direct benefits from their investments in HIE. Our solution extends the functionality of HIE in support of Medicaid delivery with a collection of workflows, business processes, and analytics designed to serve as add-ons to state HIE implementation.
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