In today’s digital world, organizations have vast amounts of data at their fingertips. This is especially true in the healthcare industry, which over the last 20 years has evolved from a disjointed paper-based system into one with continually evolving and improving data interoperability.  

Clinical data  claims data, administrative data, and information collected through smartphones and other personal medical devices are all converging in an ever-growing mountain of related-yet-disconnected information. If left uncontrolled and unmanaged, the outcome is an inability to glean actionable information. This, ironically, works against the theory that more data should yield improved understanding, leading to better decision-making. 

In the September 2020 issue of the Northern Virginia Technology Council’s The Voice of TechnologyCognosante Chief Technology Officer Erick Peters challenges technology providers to use purposeful innovation to synthesize vast amounts of data and produce meaningful insights. Specifically, Erick suggests that healthcare’s complex and unique challenges can be unraveled using a combination of advanced engineering solutions including cloud technology, machine learning, modern visualization techniques, and other data science technologies. 

Solutions that leverage these capabilities can help organizations maximize the value of their technical investments, and focus on understanding data with the express goal of acting on it for the benefit of patients across the nation. For example, services that manage unstructured data and build them into enhanced clinical viewers or event notifications can provide insight into patternsthat when overlayed with human analysis, can then empower healthcare organizations to make the most informed and contextual decisions.   

 Read the full article in NVTC’s online publication, The Voice of Technology 

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