Cognosante to Attend HIMSS20 in Orlando, FL

Cognosante will be at HIMSS 2020 at Booth #929 March 9-13 – hope to see you there! Stop by to learn how Cognosante is building solutions that move healthcare forward and mean Transformational Change for Federal and State programs. From Interoperability and HIE to Cloud Computing and BPO solutions, Cognosante will be hosting live demos and in-person talks on the future of health technology for programs, providers, and partners.
Want to talk more? Select a 30-minute time slot below, and we’ll see you at the booth!
Other ways to meet Cognosante at HIMSS:
HIMSS Federal Health Community Lunch – Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 1:00PM – Cognosante will sponsor and present opening remarks
Cognosante Media Roundup hour – Meet and greet the Cognosante brains behind the brand on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 from 10:00AM – 11:00AM
Free seminar on building High Reliability Organizations in health systems​
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